One of my students blogged about me...

Cloudy days ahead for teachers everywhere.

It is a sad day when a teacher doubts him or herself.  I know schools everywhere are dealing with budget cuts and fiscal emergencies but don't point fingers at your educators.  These are people who spent years of their lives studying and preparing to become educators, they dedicate their lives to education the youth of today.  If you think it is an easy job, you are SO wrong.  The hours involved in planning, grading, professional development, meetings, etc. are far beyond just the 8 hour work day teaching the students.  Teachers always bring their work home, if it is not in the form of papers to grade then I can guarantee they are worrying about their students - sometimes the student who is having a really hard time at home, the student who just can't seem to pass the tests, the student who is pregnant, the student who spends more time parenting their siblings instead of doing their homework.  Believe me when I say teachers do more than we can even imagine. They are in charge of teaching today's youth, the children that will some day run our country.  We help craft them into the people they will become.  We make sure they are given as much knowledge as possible to survive in the world as adults. We want well rounded individuals to step out of those school doors on graduation day. We are the ones who wake up every morning and walk through those doors to make it happen.  Not only is it our jobs but it is our passion, our duty, our livelihoods.  We care about what happens to our kids and we want them to succeed - you can't put a price tag on that.  Sorry I don't mean to get on my soapbox but some people have no idea what a teacher really does.  Some people think teachers just work 8-3, have snow days, have summers off and that's it.  When in reality it is so much more than that.